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Only in America

By Judie Brown

The United States is known around the world for its democracy and its influence, and perhaps it’s known for its infamy as well. Recent events have reminded us that once a tree is inflicted with root rot, it usually dies from the conditions that follow. Thus far, our nation has been spared this dreadful outcome, but one wonders just how long this will continue.

We are a land where it is now necessary to consider product labeling so that the consumer is aware of whether or not a product contains human cells. In the state of Connecticut, for example, a bill has been proposed to alert customers about whether or not a product contains such cells. Maybe it never occurred to anyone prior to this time that such a practice even existed, but really not much has changed since Dr. Olga Fairfax wrote about “101 Uses for a Dead (or Alive) Baby.”

On another topic, the Virginia state legislature is considering amending the state constitution to include a fundamental right to “reproductive freedom” amendment. The people of that state may vote on the measure in 2026.

According to the General Assembly, this amendment “provides that every individual has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom and that the right to make and effectuate one’s own decisions about all matters related to one’s pregnancy cannot be denied, burdened, or otherwise infringed upon by the Commonwealth, unless justified by a compelling state interest and achieved by the least restrictive means.” 

Supporters of this proposal call this ideological fiction a fundamental right, but the writers fail to acknowledge that the right in question will result in the killing of another person. You see, lawmakers and abortion addicts do not want us to think about who exists during pregnancy, only that being pregnant is somehow nothing more than a disease requiring a cure. And that treatment—abortion—is deadly. But it’s never explained as such.

In fact, the words reproductive freedom are designed to eliminate consideration of a pregnancy at all costs, leaving the impression that sterilizing a mother’s body and killing her preborn child are really comparable to the right to bear arms.

Sadly, after more than a half century, barely anyone bats an eye.

We also see escalation in the government harassment of pregnancy resource centers—the very places where both mother and preborn child are embraced, affirmed, and assisted. One insightful commentator does not hesitate to write, “The First Amendment forbids government officials from picking sides in a political debate. They may not censor or shut down pregnancy centers for speaking about life-saving care. Pregnancy centers are there to help women when no one else will. And the Constitution allows them to provide this compassionate care and support without government harassment.”

Yet the fickle demagogues in charge appear to have lost their ability to be fair. Blinded by politics, they have other agendas in place.

Recent news also tells us that women are moving from state to state, following the siren song of abortion availability, as if the very concept of pregnancy is somehow a plague to be avoided at all costs. This is perhaps the most ridiculous of all the current stories we have seen in the news.

Stop and think for a moment: Could it be that in the rush to kill the innocent, men and women have forgotten that they could easily avoid pregnancy by embracing chastity instead? Is that too much to ask in our sex-saturated community of persons? Have we become no more than beings capable of aping our pets and then ridding ourselves of the unwanted results of our sexual antics?

As we approach the March for Life, we remember that when Nellie Gray founded the March, she adopted the slogan “No Exceptions, No Compromise.” Gray was sending a message that every single human being deserves to be protected from her beginning until death. But today, even that once strong organization has lost its way. Slogans like LIFE: Why we March are vague, and like the rest of the nation, devoid of commitment to stop the killing, leaving not a single human being behind.

We strive to reverse that trend with every ounce of courage the Lord has provided. It may be true that only in America can so much deception occur, so many lives be lost, so much blood be spilled. But it is equally true that only in America can we the people of principle rise up and take back our nation, save our babies, and love our families like never before.