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The Purpose of School in a One-World Government

By Camille Giglio

Part II (Yesterday we featured Part I)

Theodore Roosevelt High School, founded in 1922, and located in the East L.A. area of Los Angeles, according to government-approved collectors of public and private personal data, has the highest teenage birth rates in the entire L.A. area, maybe even in the state.

Roosevelt, according to its website, is situated in a 93.3 percent Latino and immigrant neighborhood of Boyle Heights in East L.A. and has a student body consisting of 98.9 percent Hispanics.

The high school appears to be constituted solely of academies consisting of early workforce development preparedness programs each with its own principal. There is, apparently, no one comprehensive academically focused high school.

Each academy reflects the potential to move the students from school right into the job market. They may not be fully educated on the three Rs, but they will be prepared for entry level jobs in a chosen skill set.

With the introduction of Planned Parenthood on campus, we ask the question: Is this an academy? Are they training young Latina women to be abortion promoters, providers, counselors, and lobbyists amongst their own ethnic community for Planned Parenthood? Their contract declares that they are authorized to train peer counselors. Planned Parenthood also believes that women should be trained to commit their own abortions on themselves. Is this, too, a part of the education?

In September, Governor Brown signed a bill, SB 623, authorizing UC Hospital in San Francisco and its Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, in conjunction with Planned Parenthood, to train midwives, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to perform first trimester abortions using Title X federal dollars. Bixby is one of the groups providing statistics on the supposedly dire consequences of unplanned—especially teen—pregnancies, including the Latino communities. Unplanned by whom, one should ask?

One should also ask if school employee Medrano, a nurse practitioner, has connections to Planned Parenthood, acting as a lobbyist for it within the school.

One of the stated aims of this partnership, at least for public consumption, is to keep students in school. Dropout rates are high in immigrant neighborhoods, and teen mothers tend to drop out of school. Some school districts provide on-campus teen parent classes combined with child care, but that costs education dollars.

Planned Parenthood prides itself on being responsible for the nationwide reduction in births to youth through age 24, and it is the largest private sector abortion and birth control provider in the country. It is funded with federal, state, and local tax dollars and foundation grants with a minor amount realized directly from clients.

It is obvious that its sole purpose for being on campus is to effect a reduction in the number of babies born to Latina women.

Where is the mayor of Los Angeles, a Latino, in all this? Does he not care that his people are being targeted for suppression?

Who is going to benefit from this partnership? It certainly won’t be the young girls. They will be no better prepared for community college or entry level jobs, and will have no improved reading, communication, and math skills, and certainly no parenting skills.

Instructions in condom use won’t help these students balance their checkbooks when and if they get jobs, nor will it help them read the employment want ads. They will still be stuck right where they are now, dependent upon a nanny government for the necessities of life.

However, keeping the kids in school because they will now not become mothers will enable the school to continue to get its ADA. Planned Parenthood will advance its reduced population cause, the corporate community will get its ready-made employees, and educators will continue to scream for more tax dollars.

Planned Parenthood may have grabbed a unique opportunity, but using the schools as condom dispensing machines is not new. Taxpayers across California should begin to check their own elected school and community officials to ascertain if this partnership is in their district’s future. The clinic is on school property. For a fact, education dollars are underwriting the presence of Planned Parenthood on campus. Planned Parenthood certainly isn’t paying rent to the school.

Do the mostly immigrant, English-as-a-second language parents understand what their children are being exposed to every day? The contract declares that, according to California law, Planned Parenthood does not have to inform parents of what it is doing with, for, and to their children.

If taxpaying citizens don’t begin to protest this misuse of students and education dollars, will Planned Parenthood’s presence on campus become standard throughout California and the nation?

The coining of the term sex education rather than sexual instruction, which is what it actually is, was not casually chosen. Baptizing their intent with the title of education allowed them to fit right in with the plans for re-structuring education. To further understand the whole picture, one should read the 1993 publication Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Pro-Family System of Education and Human Services, published by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Intervening directly in the private lives of children to direct their sexual, moral, and ethical instruction has been an outspoken goal of Planned Parenthood since the 1960s when the first school accepted its sex education material. Its ability to achieve its true goal was advanced when, in 1979, a report was published by The Nation’s School Report, which declared that, “Schools can offer health services.” Schools with a concentration of Medicaid students (Medi-Cal in California) qualify for federal money if they set up screening and referral programs. Roosevelt is a Medicaid qualified school.

Planned Parenthood has fallen behind in its determined schedule due to firm resistance by alert parents, but thanks to helpful legislators, it has continually re-trenched and re-named their battle plan, created sidelining skirmishes to distract, and slowly gained ground legislative inch by legislative inch.

Planned Parenthood lobbying efforts, the courts and the legislators, the PTA, the ACLU, silent church officials, and others have helped to pass the bills that usurped parental authority. The educator associations and teacher unions have mediated the takeover of the schools and the students in order to change the whole purpose of education.

Regarding the students of Roosevelt High, they and their surrounding community residents have become captives of an aggressive, utilitarian, self-centered totally unprincipled set of bureaucratic demagogues.

Never mind that these very same bureaucrats are human, imperfect in their reasoning, and incapable of omniscience, all-knowing for eternity, about the future. They have studied the reams of data so willingly surrendered by schools and parents about their children. These so-called experts have experimented with education and with your children. (Spotlight on Children’s Health: Los Angeles Co.) They have manipulated and massaged data to produce what they call best practices for curing just about everything. The goals and objectives are part of a carefully and patiently crafted system of planning, programming, budgeting, and designing. Now the letter “e” has been added to this system—enacting.

Following the flurry of articles of June 5, 2012, there has been complete silence from the media, the pro-life organizations, the churches, and parents. In the meantime, students arrive on Roosevelt’s campus five days a week to be confronted with Planned Parenthood and its sexual allure.

The media has set up loud protests of alarm over the failure to send troops to the beleaguered officials in Benghazi resulting in the loss of life. The schools have plans to turn out well-trained human capital. Where is the hue and cry to send in the troops to rescue these children and their futures from the accompanying moral and spiritual attacks?

End Notes:

1. American Academy of Pediatrics v. Lungren. Based on a determination of a minor’s right, in certain instances to privacy, a minor had the right to decide, without parental consent, to continue or terminate a pregnancy.

2. The plaintiffs included the American Academy of Pediatrics, the California Medical Association, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate Chapter and Dr. Philip Darney, currently director of the Bixby Global Reproductive Health Program within UCSF.

3. The Role of the School in the Community, Chap 6, Curtis Van Voorhees. Parents who are in need of information about child health practices are unlikely to recognize that they need such help. Community school coordinators must, therefore, solicit information from people which will allow community school coordinators to plan better programs for the people they attempt to serve—programs that will hopefully change, in a positive way, the attitude, behavior, and lifestyle of the community residents.

4. Many educators have been quoted as declaring that, once the child enters the schoolhouse door, the state has the right to set standards and goals for that child, otherwise known as education for the betterment of the community. The Role of the School in the Community, chp. 6, 1969.

5. Promotores Communitarios Strategy: Rural Community Assistance Corporation, The California Endowment. A 44-page guideline to restructuring the community to empower residents to obtain government assistance and direction.

6. Family PACT (Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment), Program Report, Fiscal Year 2008-2009, published by Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, UCSF-University of California San Francisco, Contract #05-45122. Philip Darney, MD, MS, principal investigator.

The program works in concert with state teen pregnancy prevention programs to achieve the following key objectives:
To increase access to publicly funded family planning services for low-income California residents.
To increase the use of effective contraceptive methods by clients.To promote improved reproductive health.
To reduce the rate, overall number, and cost of unintended pregnancies.

Since December 1999, the state has received additional funding for the program from the federal government through a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver.

7. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, CFC #10496, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036. A private nonprofit organization funded largely by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. This report lists 38 foundations and corporations that have also contributed to supporting this birth reduction campaign.

8. Why Teach With Project Based Learning? Providing Students with a Well-Rounded Classroom Experience, Edutopia. Project-based learning helps students apply what they learn to real-life experiences and provides an all-around enriching education.

9. The Power of Partnerships: Providing a Well-Rounded Education for All, by Roberta Furger.

Camille Giglio is the director of the California Right to Life Committee, Inc., and is a legislative analyst focusing on public policy issues affecting life and family.

This article has been reprinted with the author’s permission.